Circulation of a triad: how do appeals, types of appeals, how are they built?

Circulation of a triad is a change in the original structure of a chord, in which a new kindred chord is produced from the same sounds. Not only triads (a chord of three sounds), but also any other chords, as well as intervals, can be addressed. The principle of treatment (or if you want to rotate around) is the same in all cases: all sounds that are in this source chord remain in their places except for one — the top or bottom.

Chord structure: what are chords made of, and why are they so called?

So, the structure of chords is a topic that we will develop today. And, first of all, let's turn to the definition of a chord, clarify what it represents. Accord is a consonance, a sound complex. In a chord, at the same time or one after the other, at least three sounds should be performed in turn, because the harmonies in which only two sounds are called differently are intervals.

What is rock and roll, the history of rock and roll

What is rock and roll, the history of rock and roll Rock and roll literally stirred the youth of America in the mid 50s of the last century. And then the whole world. And while the boys and girls sang along with popular singers and lit up on the dance floors, their parents opposed the “innovations” in the music world. Why did this style become very popular and why did it become an apple of contention between generations?

Chuck Berry: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Chuck Berry Want to know how the history of rock and roll began? With the courageous experiments of Chuck Berry. This lively, energetic African American has become a source of inspiration for many musicians. Fans of the genre are wondering: would you hear the world of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones or The Animals, if not for Chuck Berry?

La Campanella. Musical performances. Old songs.

What is old music like? What first comes to mind at the mention of it? Perhaps, the smooth and graceful movements of the dancers in elegant camisoles and powdered wigs? And perhaps the Gregorian chant, imbued with the spirit of severe asceticism? Or unpretentious old songs to the accompaniment of viola da gamba and lute?

The most common forms of music

You must have come across such philosophical concepts as form and content. These words are universal enough to denote the similar sides of the most different phenomena. And music is no exception. In this article you will find a review of the most popular forms of musical works. Before we name the common forms of musical works, let us decide what is the form in music?

Top 3 best software to tune the guitar through the computer

Tuning a guitar for a beginner is not easy. To make it easier, professionals created special applications in collaboration with software developers that allow you to customize your guitar without any difficulty using a regular computer. What types of guitar customization apps are divided into? Guitar tuning programs may work differently.

Schubert Piano Sonatas: history, video, content

Schubert Piano Sonatas Franz Schubert is a famous Austrian composer who is the founder of romanticism in music. The main place in his creative career took song motifs that were previously considered a secondary genre. His music surprisingly reflects the attitude of the people of that era.

Music on the border of the great ages

At the turn of two centuries, the 19th and 20th centuries, the world of classical music filled with such a variety of directions, from which its magnificence was filled with new sounds and meanings. New names develop their own, unique styles in compositions. Schoenberg's early impressionism is built on dodecaphony, which, in the future, will mark the beginning of the Second Vienna School, and this will significantly affect the development of all classical music of the 20th century.